Informing our Sustainability Strategy

The focus areas of our sustainability strategy and the environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets we set, are informed by a materiality assessment to ensure we address the topics, risks and opportunities which are most important to our stakeholders. 

Ventia conducted a materiality assessment in 2020, supported by a third-party consultant to identify, evaluate and validate material ESG aspects for Ventia. The process included engagement with key stakeholders through surveys and interviews to determine high and very high materiality themes.

These material themes continue to inform our Sustainability Strategy and help determine our priorities. They reflect the economic, environmental, and social impact from and to our operations, as well as those that influence stakeholders’ decisions. We remain committed to listening to the voices of our stakeholders, including our people, customers, investors, and the communities we serve.

Materiality process steps


Materiality rating

  • Very high materiality rating
  • High materiality rating