Ventia has collaborated with South East Water in the first trials of Aqua-Pipe in Rowville, Victoria. With 30 participants from the water industry, the aim of the project is to understand the application of water main and sewer lining, and develop standards and specifications for pipeline rehabilitation to meet Australian conditions.
The month-long trial sees the renewal of a redundant asbestos cement water main using Aqua-Pipe CIPP liner, installing 1,100 meters of DN 100 and DN 150 liner. For this trial, a custom made 88mm liner was developed for the Melbourne market to match the smaller asbestos pipes found in this region.
Recently the project welcomed 22 visitors from the Water Services Association Australia (WSAA), Monash University, South East Water, UTS and Sydney Water to gain insights on the project.
The trial has benefitted the team, who have learnt about the equipment, plant and process as well as helping South East Water understand the potential of water main lining in Australia.
The team hopes this trial will open the market to the alternative methods of using lining products for the rehabilitation of watermains in the near future.
Read more about the CRC-P smart watermain lining project.