Ventia’s sustainability strategy is informed by seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to our business.
This table demonstrates how Ventia’s 2023 sustainability actions and progress align to these goals.
Ventia’s sustainability strategy is informed by seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to our business.
This table demonstrates how Ventia’s 2023 sustainability actions and progress align to these goals.
UN SDG | Goal | Achievement 1 | Achievement 2 | Achievement 3 | Achievement 4 |
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages | 16% reduction in High Potential incidents (SDG target 3.4) | 103 new Healthy Minds Champions trained across Australia and New Zealand (SDG Target 3.4) | 458 participants in the Elevate culture program (SDG target 3.4) | 11.3% decrease in TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate) (SDG target 3.4) | |
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls | 37.5% of directors and 33.3% of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) are women (SDG target 5.5) | 50% of Ventia Graduate program participants are women (SDG target 5.5) | 5,557 employees participated in Respect@Work training (SDG target 5.1) | 0% differential in how salaried men and women are paid at Ventia compared to market (SDG target 5.5) | |
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all | 5th Reconciliation Action Plan launched in 2023 (SDG target 8.5) | 41% Māori or Pasifika workforce in New Zealand (SDG target 8.5) | 9 internships provided for refugees and asylum seekers through CareerSeekers (SDG target 8.5) | $122 million spend with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses (SDG target 8.3) | |
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation | 1st electric TMA (Truck Mounted Attenuator) in Australia (SDG target 9.4) | Trial of Everyday Zero AI-powered office waste segregation (SDG target 9.4) | Awarded 3rd in the AFR Boss Most Innovative Companies 2023 – Property, Construction and Transport category, for development of the MTBolt (SDG target 9.1) | Transurban and Ventia received the AMPEAK 2023 Sustainability Award for innovative solutions deployed on the M2 Hills Motorway (SDG target 9.1) | |
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable | Service Champion recognition for our Ventia Operations Centre and 1.2 million calls managed (SDG target 11.1) | 3,600km of urban roads and 6,300km of rural roads maintained across Australia and New Zealand (SDG target 11.2) | 20% more fourand five- star drivers through our safer driving behaviour awareness campaign (SDG target 11.2) | Safest driver status achieved in New Zealand from telematics partner EROAD (SDG target 11.2) | |
Ensure responsible consumption and production patterns | 7839.5t+ of EarthSure treated material for beneficial reuse by industry (SDG target 12.5) | 22.6% waste diversion through our waste management providers (SDG target 12.2) | 90t of combat uniforms diverted from landfill and converted into biofuel (SDG target 12.5) | 15,779kg+ of food waste processed in the WasteMaster, resulting in 71% less waste at East Sale RAAF, Victoria (SDG target 12.5) | |
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts | 5.5% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions (SDG target 13.2) | Climate Leaders Coalition member and Scope 3 working group participant (SDG target 13.3) | Trial of internal shadow carbon price with the Climate Leaders Coalition (SDG target 13.2) | Commenced Ventia’s first two solar farm maintenance contracts, supporting generation of 107 MW and 238,000 MWh annually (SDG target 13.1) |
Sustainability Report and Annual Report - refer to Ventia's 2023 reports